Procedures & Complants


The Vigilance Department in Yantra Limited is headed by the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), deputed by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), New Delhi.


● Preventive over Punitive Actions

● To enforce meaningful, workable and objective Systems / Procedures to:

  • Develop Trust and Transparency in all Transactions

  • Prevent leakage of revenue

  • Promote pride and self-esteem of the Organization

● Time bound action in all spheres of activities




Sr. No. Factory / Unit Name of Officer
1 Ordnance Factory Ambajhari Shri. Nilesh Ghughuskar, DGM
2 Ordnance Factory Ambarnath Shri. K. Poornachandra Rao, JWM(SG)
3 Ordnance Factory Muradnagar Shri. B. S. Rana, JWM(SG)
4 Ordnance Factory Katni  
5 Ordnance Factory Bhusawal Shri. M. Ravindran, JWM(SG)
6 Ordnance Factory Dumdum Shri. Susanta Kumar Mondal, JWM(SG)
7 Ordnance Factory Jabalpur Smt. Anamika Srivastava, JWM(SG)
8 Metal & Steel Factory Ishapore Shri. Manoj Kumar Biswas, JWM(SG)

● Vigilance Department of Yantra India Limited does not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints.

● Proper name, address and contact phone number(s)has to be provided while making a complaint. Otherwise, no action will be taken.

● The Complaints should have Vigilance Angle.

● The Complaints must be brief, specific and should contain factual details / verifiable facts. If possible, documentary evidence could also be furnished along with the complaints.

● All complaints relating to corruption, lack of integrity / fairness / transparency in dealing with YIL Limited (which necessarily have vigilance angle) have to be made in writing to –

  • Chief Vigilance Officer, Yantra India Limited Nagpur-440021,

  • Email id:

● Complaints can also be lodged online on this YIL vigilance portal through the Vigilance Complaint Form.

● The complaints will be acknowledged with a duly assigned number. Based on the merit of the complaints, further course of action will be taken as per the complaint policy. Nevertheless, the status of the complaints can be viewed at this portal through Complaint Status.

● No further complaint(s) / correspondence(s) shall be entertained on the same subject unless the complainant wishes to provide some fresh facts / evidences.

● Time Limit for conducting investigation of complaints is as per the Guidelines of CVC.

● In case it is found that the complaints were false and lodged with a view to harass the public servants, stern action may be taken against such complainants in accordance with the law of the land.


If a complainant while exposing a case of corruption wants his identity to be kept secret, he/she should lodge a complaint under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers Resolution (PIDPI) – popularly known as Whistle Blower Provision. The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is mandated not only to maintain the secrecy of the complainant’s identity but also provide protection to the complainant against any physical threat, harassment or victimization.


● The CVC shall, as the Designated Agency (herein after referred to as the Commission), receive written complaints or disclosure on any allegation of corruption or of misuse of office by any employee of the Central Government or of any Corporation established under any Central Act, Government Companies, Societies or Local Authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government;

● The Commission will ascertain the identity of the complainant; if the complaint is anonymous, it shall not take any action in the matter;

● The identity of the complainant will not be revealed unless the complainant himself has made either the details of the complaint public or disclosed his identity to any other office or authority;

● While calling for further report/investigation, the Commission shall not disclose the identity of the informant and shall also request the head of the organization concerned to kept the identity of the informant a secret, if for any reason the identity is revealed;

● The Commission shall be authorized to call upon the CBI or the police authorities, as considered necessary, to render all assistance to complete the investigation pursuant to the complaint received;

● If any person is aggrieved by any action on the ground that he is being victimized due to the fact that he had filed a complaint or disclosure, he may file an application before the Commission seeking redressal in the matter, wherein the Commission may give suitable directions to the person or the authority concerned;

● If the Commission is of the opinion that either the complainant or the witnesses need protection, it shall issue appropriate directions to the government authorities concerned;

● In case the Commission finds the complaint to be motivated or vexatious, it shall be at liberty to take appropriate steps;

● The Commission shall not entertain or inquire into any disclosure in respect of which a format and public inquiry has been ordered under the Public Servants Inquiries Act, 1850 or a matter that has been referred for inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952;

● In the event of the identity of the informant being disclosed in spite of the Commission’s directions to the contrary, the Commission is authorized to initiate appropriate action in accordance with the extant regulations against the person or agency making such a disclosure.


● The complaint should be in a closed/secured envelope.

● The envelope should be addressed to Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission and should be superscribed “Complaint under The Public Interest Disclosure”. If the envelope is not superscribed and closed, it will not be possible for the Commission to protect the complainant under the above resolution and the complaint will be dealt with as per the normal complaint policy of the Commission. The complainant should give his/her name and address in the beginning or end of the complaint or in an attached letter.

● Commission will not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints.

● The text of the complaint should be carefully drafted so as not to given any details or clue as to his/her identity. However, the details of the complaint should be specific and verifiable.

● In order to protect identity of the person, the Commission will not issue any acknowledgement and the whistle-blowers are advised not to enter into any further correspondence with the Commission in their own interest. The Commission assures that, subject to the facts of the case being verifiable, it will take the necessary action, as provided under the Government of India Resolution mentioned above. If any further clarification is required, the Commission will get in touch with the complainant.

The Commission can also take action against complainants making motivated/vexatious complaints under this Resolution. A copy of detailed notification is available on the web-site of the Commission

NOTE : The jurisdiction of the Commission in this regard would be restricted to any employee of the Central Government or of any Corporation established by or under any Central Act, Government Companies, Societies or local authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government. Personnel employed by the State Governments and activities of the State Governments or its Corporations etc., will not come under the purview of the Commission.


The pact essentially envisages an agreement between the prospective vendors/bidders and the buyer, committing the persons/officials of both sides, not to resort to any corrupt practices in any aspect/stage of the contract. Only those vendors/bidders, who commit themselves to such a Pact with the buyer, would be considered competent to participate in the bidding process. In other words, entering into this Pact would be a preliminary qualification.

Yantra India Limited is highly dedicated for setting up standards in transparency, accountability & ethics in business activities. For this, the mechanism of dispute redressal between the management and the contractors, relating to those contracts where Integrity Pact is applicable, has produced good results and many disputes could be resolved amicably and speedily without involving much cost. For this a per CVC guidelines and Department of Expenditure vide OM dt: 19/07/2011, issued guidelines to all Ministries/Departments/Organizations including their attached/subordinate offices and autonomous body for implement of Integrity Pack. In which, Procurements/Contracts would cover procurement of works, goods and services by organizations concerned.

Integrity Pact would be implemented through a panel of Independent external Monitors (IEMs), appointed by the organization. The IEM would review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent parties have complied with their obligations under the pact. At present the pact is an integral part of all Tenders/Contracts/Long Term Agreements valuing above Rs. 5 Crores.

For this, the Central Vigilance Commission has been nominated for appointment as Independent External Monitors (IEM)ss, in Yantra India Limited. The following IEMs have been appointed :

  1. Shri Shri Rajnisha Kumar Vaish, IEM

  2. Shri Deepak Chaturvedi, IEM

Vendors may address IEMs only with regard to issues pertaining to integrity pact and other issues, if any, other than integrity pact, need to be addressed to the contact person mentioned in the tender.

Bidders, if aggrieved, may approach to SHRI D. VENKATESWARA REDDY, IRS, Chief Vigilance Office (CVO) of YIL or IEMs.


The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has appointed the following Independent External Monitors (IEMs) to oversee the implementation of the Integrity Pact.

IEM Contact Details

Shri. Rajnisha Kumar Vaish, (Retd. IAS)
Email ID :
Address : Plot no 10, greenwoods Govt officers welfare society,
phase II, Sector Omega-2, Pocket P2, Greater Noida,
Dist, Gautam Budh Nagar, UP – 201310

Shri. Deepak Chaturvedi, (Retd. ITS)
Email ID :
Address : Flat no 1, Sanchar Vihar, C-58/4,
Sector 62, Noida, UP – 201309


Chief Vigilance Officer,
Yantra India Limited,
C/o Ordnance Factory Ambajhari,
Email id:

Chief Vigilance Officer


Yantra India Limited, Ministry of Defence
Shri. D Venkateswara Reddy (IRS)
Email :
Phone :07104220075

Corporate Office Address

Yantra India Limited Head Quarter: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Amravati Road, Wadi, Nagpur-440021 (MS), India
CIN: U35303MH2021GOI365890
Phone No.: 07104-246845
Fax: 07104-246681
E-mail ID: yil[dot]hq[at]yantraindia[dot]co[dot]in

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Last Visited On : 16-03-2023 14:12